F.O.R.M.S / F.O.Q.A
James Albright (a former G450 driver)
Updated: 2013-10-31
As strange as it may seem, one of the things I miss about military aviation was the flight evaluation pyramid.
In theory, you have a group of flight examiners checking everyone at the squadron level, followed by the next level checking them, all the way to the top; the top guy is checked by the bottom guy to keep everything honest. Of course the top guy never really gets an honest check but that's the way it is supposed to work. (As the top guy I once sailed through the evaluation and overheard the bottom guy say, "Now I get to keep my job.")
Here in the corporate civilian world I crave outside evaluation and don't feel like we really get that with our once every 6 month 61.58, or even with the 135.293/297 back when I got those.
That's why I jumped at the chance for the G450 Flight Operations Risk Management System (FORMS). Now I get an honest appraisal of how I am doing and the peer pressure to do things right has always been a strong motivator. I recommend it.
By the way, the "S" is alternately called System and Service in the literature.
Everything here is from the references shown below, with a few comments in an alternate color.
Source: Gulfstream Flight Operations Risk Management Service (FORMS) Presentation
What is it?
Flight Operations Risk Management Service
Process utilizing downloaded flight data to review operations and provide feedback to operator
Same concept utilized extensively in Airlines
Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) or Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)
Why the “C”designation?
Corporate operations are different than airline
Unique operations requires different solution and process
Increases operational safety level
Identifies areas that need improvement/attention
Pilot procedures
ATC procedures
Aircraft maintenance issues
Potential for significant risk mitigation
Potential for increased re-sale value (electronic record)
Provides data for engine trending
Lower cost of getting FDR data and data is available much faster
no special equipment or Techs needed
Four Event Categories
Unstable Approach
Speed, Glide Path Deviation, Rate of Descent, Runway Alignment, Configuration
Aircraft Limitation Events
Engine Limits, Airframe Limits, Operational Limits, Stall Margin
Maintenance Events
Smoke/Fire Warning, Hard Landing, Hydraulic Failure, etc.
Flight Operations Events
Windshear, Abnormal G’s, Abnormal Bank Angle/Roll Rate, EGPWS Alerts, RTO, Excess Taxi Speed, Slam Dunk Approach
Getting the Data
The data comes from the flight data recorder and is stored on the Micro Quick Access Recorder (QAR)
Micro QAR Download
Remove LEER upper panel.
Remove LEER lower panel.
Connect Toughbook to uQAR with USB cable.
Boot up the Toughbook.
Open uQAR icon.
Use default settings:
Extract and Process
Full Dump
Packed Frames
Name extracted data with date extracted
Data to USB Drive
C: Drive.
Program Files.
L3 Com.
Drag files to USB Drive
You will need a copy of the data collection program, WASABI, available from Gulfstream. (It is currently only available for Windows platforms.
Make sure your USB drive is accessible to the computer.
Open the Wasabi program and select your aircraft from the Aircraft ID drop down box. Select "Collect File(s)" or "Collect Folders" then navigate to the USB drive. The system will upload the files and let you know when it is done.
Accessing the Data
Gulfstream will give you access instructions.
Gulfstream Flight Operations Risk Management Service (FORMS) Presentation, undated